Welcome to Blogophoresis

This blog is MOVING to DNCable.NET, this is my security web site. Check it out!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog. Blogophoresis was originally started as a personal creative outlet but has oddly evolved into an anti-SPAM and anti-scam email project.
Most of my visitors will never see this page as they are researching an email telling them that they can be rich by simply supplying ALL of their personal and banking information to a complete stranger. Many of them have already done that and are seeking help to reverse the damage.
It’s a terrible shame that the internet has evolved into such a smut peddling, SPAM driven machine. The internet is still more good than bad and I believe that it will eventually become a more friendly place. I’m definitely not an advocate of internet censorship, but feel that it’s users have an obligation to police themselves by restricting email solicitations to one-shot deals and by keeping our children off the porn sites (the last thing I want to find out is that my daughters learned to be deviants from the internet).
Blogophoresis is community driven.. By that I mean that if no one is using it, it will cease to exist. I have all the faith in the world that I’ll be here for a long time to come as SPAMmers and scammers will continue to push their wares.
Sometime in the near future, Blogophoresis will be migrated to a security based site on a dedicated server where I’m free to do a little more for my readers and a little less for the folks that I consider to be “internet offenders.” It will offer hints, tips and tricks about total security including home, personal and internet safety and security.
If you found this site helpful, don’t be afraid to give me a pat on the back and send your friends. Contribute your own content and opinions, become a responsible member of the internet.

9 Responses

  1. It looks like you have been busy putting this list together, here is another to add. Keep up the good work…

  2. It looks like you have been busy putting this list together, here is another to add. Keep up the good work…


  3. Thanks Jerry, I really appreciate your input.

  4. Thank you for creating this site to alert many to these repetitive scams…

    I receive many & am slightly bemused at all the possible money being left to ???me?

  5. Здравствуй! Спасибо за подаренные хорошие эмоции…

  6. Данный пост реально помог мне принять очень важное для себя решение. За что автору отдельное спасибо. Жду от Вас новых постов!

  7. Спасибо. Прочитал с интересом. Блог в избранное занес=)

  8. i will like to plead for a disscussing very important can you kindly reply if interested.

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